Package-level declarations
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data class CustomColors(val topAppBarColor: Color? = null, val titleColor: Color? = null, val subtitleColor: Color? = null, val messagingWindowBackground: Color? = null, val dateSeparatorBackgroundColor: Color? = null, val dateSeparatorTextColor: Color? = null, val infoTextColor: Color? = null, val receivedMessageBackgroundColor: Color? = null, val receivedMessageOnBackground: Color? = null, @ColorRes val receivedMessageTextColor: Int? = null, val sentMessageBackgroundColor: Color? = null, val sentMessageOnBackground: Color? = null, @ColorRes val sentMessageTextColor: Int? = null, val messageTextFieldColor: Color? = null, val messageCursorColor: Color? = null, val filledButtonsBackgroundColor: Color? = null, val filledButtonTextColor: Color? = null, val outlinedButtonBackground: Color? = null, val outlinedButtonTextColor: Color? = null, val outlinedButtonBorder: Color? = null, @ColorRes val receivedClickableLinkColor: Int? = null, @ColorRes val sentClickableLinkColor: Int? = null, val errorColor: Color? = null, val onErrorColor: Color? = null, val mediaBottomSheetBackground: Color? = null, val typedMessageColor: Color? = null, val disconnectedStateIndicatorBackground: Color? = null, val disconnectedStateIndicatorText: Color? = null, val connectingStateIndicatorBackground: Color? = null, val connectingStateIndicatorText: Color? = null, val connectedStateIndicatorBackground: Color? = null, val connectedStateIndicatorText: Color? = null, val idleTimeoutIndicatorBackground: Color? = null, val idleTimeoutIndicatorText: Color? = null)
is a data class that represents the custom colors used for theming in the messaging window. Each property in this class corresponds to a different part of the messaging window that can be themed.
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data class CustomIconsAndColors(val sendingMessageProgressIndicator: Color? = null, val linearProgressIndicator: Color? = null, val progressIndicatorOnButton: Color? = null, val sendMessageIcon: Color? = null, val attachFileTrailingIcon: Color? = null, val selectImageIcon: Color? = null, val selectFileIcon: Color? = null, val downloadIcon: Color? = null, val iconOnButton: Color? = null, @DrawableRes val botIcon: Int? = null, @DrawableRes val agentIcon: Int? = null, @DrawableRes val businessIcon: Int? = null)
This class is used to set custom colors for the messaging window icons. null values will be replaced with the default colors from app theme
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data class CustomStrings(val businessImageUrl: String? = null, val title: String? = null, val subtitle: String? = null, val participantAgent: String? = null, val participantSystem: String? = null, val participantBot: String? = null, val participantSupervisor: String? = null, val participantCustomer: String? = null, val participantJoinedMessage: String? = null, val participantLeftMessage: String? = null, val internetConnectionLost: String? = null, val failedLoadingOlderMessages: String? = null, val youHaveSharedLocation: String? = null, val youHaveSelected: String? = null, val activeParticipants: String? = null, val noActiveParticipants: String? = null, val downloadComplete: String? = null, val downloadFailed: String? = null, val sendLocation: String? = null, val scrollToBottomDescription: String? = null, val companyProfileDescription: String? = null, val closeButtonDescription: String? = null, val imageDescription: String? = null, val shareLocationButtonDescription: String? = null, val previousButtonDescription: String? = null, val nextButtonDescription: String? = null, val downloadButtonDescription: String? = null, val attachmentDescription: String? = null, val fileDescription: String? = null, val cancelButtonDescription: String? = null, val attachFileDescription: String? = null, val sendButtonDescription: String? = null, val messageSentDescription: String? = null, val retryButtonDescription: String? = null, val disconnectedStateIndicatorText: String? = null, val connectingStateIndicatorText: String? = null, val connectedStateIndicatorText: String? = null, val idleTimeoutTitle: String? = null, val idleTimeoutCountDownText: String? = null, val idleTimeoutButtonText: String? = null, val seconds: String? = null, val audioPermissionRequired: String? = null, val switchCameraDescription: String? = null, val captureImageDescription: String? = null, val finalizeCapturedImageDescription: String? = null, val closeCameraDescription: String? = null, val retakePhotoDescription: String? = null, val startRecording: String? = null, val stopRecording: String? = null, val recordAudioDescription: String? = null, val sendFile: String? = null, val sendImage: String? = null, val takePicture: String? = null, val recordVideo: String? = null, val noSuchFile: String? = null, val fileSizeExceedsLimit: String? = null, val fileExtensionNotSupported: String? = null, val fileNameSizeInvalid: String? = null, val captionSizeInvalid: String? = null, val latitudeOutOfRange: String? = null, val longitudeOutOfRange: String? = null, val locationNameSizeInvalid: String? = null, val locationAddressSizeInvalid: String? = null, val payloadSizeInvalid: String? = null, val textSizeInvalid: String? = null, val messageTextSizeInvalid: String? = null, val messageFormatError: String? = null, val resetEditedChangesButtonDescription: String? = null, val cropImageButtonDescription: String? = null, val flipImageButtonDescription: String? = null, val rotateImageButtonDescription: String? = null, val saveEditedImageButtonDescription: String? = null, val backButtonDescription: String? = null, val singleParticipantsTyping: String? = null, val twoParticipantsTyping: String? = null, val multipleParticipantsTyping: String? = null, val typingIndicatorDescription: String? = null)
This class is used to set custom strings for the messaging window. null values will be replaced with the default strings from ui sdk
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data class CustomTextStyle(val titleStyle: TextStyle? = null, val subtitleStyle: TextStyle? = null, val dateSeparatorStyle: TextStyle? = null, val participantNameStyle: TextStyle? = null, val timeStyle: TextStyle? = null, val sentMessageStyle: TextStyle? = null, val receivedMessageStyle: TextStyle? = null, val typeMessageStyle: TextStyle? = null, val buttonTextStyle: TextStyle? = null, val clickableLinkStyle: TextStyle? = null, val participantEventTextStyle: TextStyle? = null, val errorTextStyle: TextStyle? = null)
This class is used to set custom text styles for the messaging window. null values will be replaced with the default text styles from app theme
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data class MessagingThemeConfig(val lightColors: CustomColors? = null, val darkColors: CustomColors? = null, val typography: CustomTextStyle? = null, val customIconColorsLight: CustomIconsAndColors? = null, val customIconColorsDark: CustomIconsAndColors? = null, val customStrings: CustomStrings? = null)
This class is used to set custom colors, text styles, icon colors and strings for the messaging window.